The funeral service will be conducted at 11:00 A.M., Monday, August 1, 2011 at the First Salem Baptist Church, Twin Church Road, Montezuma, Georgia. Interment will follow in the Oglethorpe City Cemetery, Memorial Drive, Oglethorpe, Georgia. Elder Terry Austin, pastor of St. Paul Primitive Baptist Church, Montezuma and Elder Walter Austin, moderator of the Flint River Primitive Baptist Church Association, will officiate.
Mrs. Harvey was born April 7, 1914 in Perry, Houston County, Georgia to the late Wayman Toomer and Lucinda Baldwin Toomer Law. She was preceded in death by three siblings, James Toomer, Willie B. Toomer and Eula Mae Carlton. She was educated in the public school system of Houston County and Peach County. In 1947 she was united in holy matrimony to the late Lucious Felder, Sr. (who passed away in 1965). She was blessed to be the mother of ten children, two of which preceded her in death, Willie Clarence Felder (2005) and Minnie Ruth Felder Mann (2010).
Being reared in a Christian home she learned early in life her path of duty. She worked alongside her husband on the farm for many years and later she became employed with the Macon County Clinic under the administration of the late Dr. Tom Adam and Dr. Fred Adam where she also acquired her nursing licenses. After the closing of the Macon County Clinic, she became employed as a nurse with the Montezuma Nursing Home under the administration of R. Dean Fowler where she retired after many years of dedicated services.
In 1969 she was married to the late Elder Preston Harvey and to this union she was blessed to be the step mother of Larry D. Harvey.
Her Christian walk with God lead her to joined Promise Land Primitive Baptist Church under the leadership of the late Joseph Bateman. After the closing of Promise Land she moved her membership to St. Paul Primitive Baptist Church of Whiteline Street, where she continued to serve as clerk and committee until her health declined in 2010. Sister Lucy Harvey, as she was affectionately called by her Christian sisters and brothers, was a strong supporter of the Primitive Baptist Faith. She served diligently on every facet of the church whether it was preparing food, cleaning the church and grounds for her meeting and even providing rides for others who needed a ride to the church. She actively attended the various Primitive Baptist Associations through out the Eastern Coast of the United States. She also enjoyed going to Kansas to visit her son, Reverend Dr. Grady Lewis Felder, Associate Pastor of 8th Street Baptist Church.
Mrs. Harvey treasured the times her children and grandchildren would gather at her home. While her grandchildren would run in and out of the house and children laughing exchanging jokes, she enjoyed the sweet smell of food permeating throughout each room. She also enjoyed fishing - the calm water and the excitement of reeling in her catch.
Servant of God, Well Done, Rest from thy love employ, the battle is fought, the victory is won, enter Thy Master’joy. “Firmly I stood on Zion Hill, And view my Starry crown, no power on earth my hope can shake, nor Hell can pull me down.”….from Hymn #353
She leaves a legacy of love and memories to her beloved family, including nine children, Mrs. Edna (Eddie) Snipes, Atlanta, Georgia, Reverend Grady Lewis (Sonja) Felder, Kansas City, Kansas, Mrs. Wyngia (Reverend Frank) Brown, Hillside, New Jersey, Mrs. Janice Love, Ellenwood, Georgia, Mr. Lucious Felder, Jr., Decatur, Georgia, Reverend Joann (Reverend Alfred) Wynn, Montezuma, Georgia; Mrs. Katheryn (Willie) Mann, Oglethorpe, Georgia, Mr. James F. (Flora) Felder, Stockbridge, Georgia, Mr. Larry Harvey, Americus, Georgia. Son-in-law, Earl Mann, Montezuma, Georgia; brother, Clarence Toomer, Kansas City, Kansas. Thirty four grandchildren, fifty eight great grandchildren and seven great, great grandchildren. A host of beloved nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends including: an adopted daughter, Dr. Marie Bacon, an adopted granddaughter, Candice Duncan, four loving and devoted friends, Sis. Bertha McDonald, Oglethorpe, Georgia, Sis. Lula Brown, Ft. Valley, Georgia, Sis. Lena Hillman and her daughter, Montezuma, Georgia and Sis. Catherine Durham, Andersonville, Georgia.